Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Blue, you're my boy!

One of the better "Old School" lines, so simple yet so poignant.
I just got back from the Vet. Hobbes, is not only VERY lean, he also is a BLUE show cat. You heard it hear first. The vet tech informs me that there are no such creatures as Grey cats in the show world, they are Blue. Hobbes, I mean BLUE, you're my boy. Yes, I will take a sabbatical and go buy the converted Van/camper at Lake Meade and tour the cat show world with Blue.
Best in Show will have nothing on our escapades taking the cat show world by storm.
In other Hobbes news, he is drastically trying to become the Nicole Ritchie of the 17 year old ,ale cat world. He tipped the scales at a waif-like 11.5 lbs today. Down, 3/10 more in the last week. The last time I had him at the vet he was 17.5 lbs. Maybe there is a biggest loser for cats?
This leads me to Hobbes' official show name. Hobbes Blue Nicole Ritchie Hebe.
In other vet news I damn near pissed myself while the vet tech was talking to Hobbes. Yes, she was talking to Hobbes. She was a good tech, but here is where the exchange went awry for me. She starts to tell Hobbes that she needs to take his temperature. "OK Hobbes, I need to stick something where it should not go." I think my eyes started to widen at this point. "I know, I know, someone should never stick something up there, especially when they are first meeting them. " Holy, mother of f'ing pearl. Now my eyes are bugging, I am almost giggling and I am trying hard to not piss myself and spurt out; "That was shocking!". The tech proceeds to remove the shockmometer and tell Hobbes everything will be alright and that no on really enjoys that type of treatment. Wow. After all of that I almost felt like I got my $268 worth of personal entertainment.
Needless to say Hobbes Blue Nicole Ritchie Hebe is nowhere to be found at the present time.
I wonder what Sez is doing right now?


dk said...

Although "little" Elwood is as gray as charcoal, we were told by the vet he is a Russian Blue. And now, he amazingly weighs more than Hobbesy. Shocking.

Little_Jewford said...

one of the techs at our cat vet has tea parties with her paraplegic cat .. f'd up

Little_Jewford said...

one of the techs at our cat vet has tea parties with her paraplegic cat .. f'd up