Tuesday, October 31, 2006


As I was sitting in an office, feeling sorry for myself the other day, I gained a little perspective. Today it hit home. No matter what happens in my life work, personal, social, cycling, regardless. I have my health.
I was waiting for my lunch appointment, and out of the office came a gentleman that put me in my place. Working in the mental health/neurology field, you tend to see some people who are going to elicit an emotional response. I try not to make eye contact with patients, so I do not have a response to them that they get a hundred times a day. The young man, maybe early 30's, came out of the office shuffling behind a walker. He could barely move. His sister, as best as I could tell, was trying to get his coat on him. There was a little girl who was with them and she wanted some candy. The sister, said she already ate on of her three pieces and this would be her next to last piece. The sister then asked the young man if he knew how many pieces of candy the little girl would have left. He took a little while and then thought aloud in a barely audible and recognizable voice said, "two". The sister then reminded him that this is the second piece of candy. "Three minus two, is how many?" After about five seconds, he replied, "one."
This gentleman was not MR, he has just been ravaged by a disease that has taken his body & his mind.
So when we are pissed about finishing 12th instead of 8th, or even worse, 2nd instead of 1st. Maybe it is time to get a little bit of perspective.


Fort James said...


You are so right. When I see folks who are not as fortunate as we are health wise, it really makes me thankful for the little ability that I do have. My little tantrums about results, or shofters that do not shift, or any other trivial thing really means nothing. Just having the ability to race a bike nearly every weekend
is truly a gift from above.

Burt Friggin' Hoovis said...

Wow, that guy can't even add...I've spent good money to get that way!

BTW - I linked you...you're right between "smut" and "angry loatian"

You're welcome,
