Tuesday, March 14, 2006


Twelve quick years with Ames
Ups, downs, smiles, frowns, would not change


Fort James said...

Congrats. Lisa and I are twelve years this year as well. Goes Fast.

Did I tell you about that Kathryn McPhee or what? Bad wardrobe choice, great performance. Read it here first. Mcphee will be the AI for 2006.

Jackie Brown said...

Wow! He's a poet and I didn't know it! Very nice honey!!
Happy Anniversary!

Spice said...

interesting...I've been with Jennifer 8yrs.

But we're not married.

Who has the better deal?

He to the B said...

What is interesting. Someone can put up with me for twelve years? Someone can put up with you for eight years? That I actually wrote a homoesques Haiku on my blog? It is a good point though. Do you guys live together? Same deal, minus the rings. I think at seven years a good lawyer could still net her 50% of your pick-up. That would be a shame.

Jackie Brown said...

Mike has the better deal, let me tell you. Yeah we're married, but there's no bitching about him riding/racing all the time. I think that's where most wives go wrong. I say "Enjoy the time to yourself, do what I do, shop, garden, hang out with friends/family, swim, redecorate a room or two while he's gone for the day.........Heaven!"