Sunday, December 09, 2007

Life imitating art

So, I went to an awesome holiday party last night. The hosts were superb, the spread was incredible and their home was absolutely stunning. One of the most beautiful I have ever set foot inside. For those who really know me, you know that I love looking at homes. The architecture, the art, the interior colors, just the way everything comes together. This home was incredible.
Sorry, I digress. Back to the title. Since I know very few people at this function, I stay close to my work colleagues. I do not mingle well. I will hold a conversation with anyone, and be very fluent at their level. However, I will not initiate the conversation. So late in the evening one of the guests is introduced to me and we start talking. She asks if I am single. Yes, I am single I reply. Here we go kids, the next question is awesome. Keep in mind I just met this leopard skin outfit lady. Are you gay? No, I am definitely not gay. "Well you never know", was her retort. This is life start imitating She askes if I am looking to meet anyone. My reply is somewhat evasive, "I will never say no". Here goes this ladies dialogue "Well I have a friend who I should introduce you to, she is forty-six. How old are you, let me guess. You are, um let me see, I am not so good at this, you are FORTY-EIGHT. How old I reply. "FORTY-EIGHT". Thanks, I think, I am forty. I like to think I am a pretty young forty. "Oh, well, my friend is definitely older than you". That might not be bad though, she says. The next two daggers come quickly. " She has two teenage kids, they are pretty needy". "Are you very spiritual, she is." Um, no, I am agnostic. I do not go to church. I like to think that living by the golden rule is good enough.
Wow, finally it came to an end. Needless to say I will not be going out with a forty-six year old lady, with two needy teens, that goes to church, and I forgot, likes to travel. Yes. This single life is fun.


Anonymous said...

Never, never rule out older women. There ARE some out there without kids AND they can be very, very hot. Don't build your walls too high. I have a co-worker whom just lost her dad and had HER walls built so high over the past 20 years that now that her dad is gone, she feels she has nothing 'cause she was always to critical and close to her dad (she took care of him - he had cerebral palsy). She's now 45, single, no kids...and, yes, she's hot. But can't ride a bike and luvs to travel. so sorry, no intros there either; but will keep an eye out for ya.

steevo said...

Single man in his 40s, no kids... ... must have serious baggage or might be a serial killer....

oh no, just a bike racer.

Spice said...


Anonymous said...

you could try to be like a certain young rite-aid pro and have a hot 35-40 year old girlfriend who has a hot 18 year old daughter. dream big.