Saturday, August 09, 2008

That was a fun ride...

w/ Robbie L.
I just erased a long pretty well thought out post, about the race, course and logistics. Better left unsaid. Rob & I were away at the 2 mile mark and kept on rolling. The superhuman specimen that he is, absolutely drove the fire roads while I drafted. Enough to earn the V in my book. Robbie rolled the line and I came through at 1/2 wheel for a 1-2 at God's Country.
Another disappointing thing was the lack of cell service that I had in the mountains and how my voice mail never registered until I was half way home and my phone was all but dead. Not so good.
Went to DK's cookout and croquet tonight. Good time, fun night with friends. Very happy we made it. Croquet was stellar. After many a ClusterF things spread out and Seve played like a man, in defeat that is.
Lots of highpoints today.

1 comment:

Ry said...

thanks for finally posting something vaguely-unvague!