Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Just another Tuesday

Go to some offices.
Run into a no class GSK rep. She just lost all courtesy from me.
As Mike Ness said so eloquently, "You shake my hand, while you are pissing on my leg."
Slow week for psychs with APA going on in DC.
Long ride in the sun was nice.
Lady telling me to not ride on Ridge Rd, due to a bear being chased on the road, was funny.
First house I bought with Amy is for sale. Some fun times at 1306.
The crazy cool 12' high Daniel Boonesque person carved from a tree.
Rode by the house I grew up in on Ridge Rd.
Watching Diggler & Gus jab at each other with my Ipod playing was hilarious. I could hear nothing, but their expressions were priceless. Good fun.
Set up some plans for weekend and next week. No I did not forget Mother's Day
Hopefully the rain holds off and French Creek goes off. Back to back 6+ hr trainers would suck.
Well tomorrow is just another Wednesday.
I wonder what Tina Lavin is doing right now?

1 comment:

JustaChic said...

I am Tina Lavin and I am reading this blog wondering if you are truly speaking of me>