Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Now that was a first

Due to my uncanny ability to forget most anything, at most anytime, I was able to see something pretty cool last night.
After my obligatory stop at the shop, and the obligatory shop gremlins effing with my MTB equipment yet again (another story another time) I set off for home. Here is where two parts of my effervescent personality come out.
1) I forgot my wallet & suit jacket at the shop. I ALWAYS forget something there.
2) Even though I was less than one mile away, I refused to turn around. I despise turning back for things. It is in the past, deal with it another time.
That being said I went home and prayed for sunlight so I could do an easy ride back to the shop and get my wallet. Finally the sun broke so off I went. I am finally learning how to enjoy riding easy and absolutely love recovery days. As I was coming home I have to do a .75 mile, 8% climb. So I take it easy. I am noticing the swingset tucked in the woods, the lush foliage, the huge rock outcroppings that are in such cool formations, then I saw it. There it was, the first time I ever noticed this phenomenon in the month of May, MY BREATH. Tuesday May 20th at 7:00 and I saw my breath. That seemed so cool, at least to me. I started to take very deep breaths and exhalations on purpose. I just wanted to see my breath. I was like a five year old the first time they see their breath. It was something so simple, yet so cool.
Stuff like that is why I really like easy days.

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