Sunday, January 20, 2008

In the days of my youth...

I was taught what it means to be a man. Now I've reached that age, I try to do all those things the best I can.
As I was rippin through some snow singletrack Thursday with Central PA MTB royalty & that line was stuck in my head for like an hour. As a kid I constantly played outside, mostly alone. Baseball, football, basketball, riding a bike, whatever. On Thursday, in the moment of snow coming down riding my singlespeed, I was that little boy again. Out in the woods rippin' around with friends. Not a care in the world, just riding bikes. There are times that I truly feel sorry for my cycling friends who ride on the road exclusively. They never know the sheer pleasure of railing turns in the woods, jumping logs, twisting and turning through trees, roots & rocks.
Conscious choice man. They can have their road scene Gas -n- Sip.
So today was another royalty ride. Yo ho ho and a bottle of Rumsas, The Nanctress, Flyin' & I set sail for Swatara State Park. Yes, kids the wind speed, 25mph, was higher than the temp 19, when we started. That is why MTB is sweet. We rocked the super fast trails for two hours and had a great time. I guarantee some tools rode to the Derby, did the Derby, then rode home. So Euro man, so Euro, so hard, whatever, F that!
You win the pissing contest and I win the better ride and more fun contest.
Wiser Time kids, Wiser Time. Another song, another mile.

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