Tuesday, February 19, 2008

On principle alone

I am at a Regional sales meeting this week and certain things just get me on principle alone. Enough that I could not hold my tongue. People knew I was pissed and I have pretty much had about as much as I can handle.
People "step down" from jobs to get placed in the highest possible sales position that can be achieved at the Colonel's Playhouse. WTF!!!!!!!!!!!
I know many reps who have busted their ass for years to never get that recognition. Certain people get to keep their present salary and then get all the perks of the highest sales level, because they chose or did not choose to make a change. Put in a better anaology. You are a Pilot and no longer want the stress, or just are not as good a Pilot as your peers, and you decide to step down. You decide you want to be a stewardess. Well you should not be a stewardess and have a Pilot's salary. The stewardess is not flying the plane. I am in an airport so I went with that example. Point being, you chose something different, live with the parameters of that choice.
Yes, I am not happy. Couple that with the confirmation of yet another rep in the mix starting in April and I am at a loss to actually see what the fuck I am doing with my life. Forty years old and getting little to no satisfaction from your job, on a day to day basis, is not a good thing. Realizing that the job affords certain things I can never hope to get elsewhere makes the whole deal even more disconcerting.
At what point is enough, enough?
I know I have made this bed, I just am having a real hard time sleeping in it at present. The Bike Game Season can not come soon enough. I need to get my mind off of this. Parts of my life are working well, and I am happy about. Other parts just drag on me so much that it impacts the overall quality of my life. This meeting can not end soon enough. I really need to figure some shit out.


dk said...

EZ fix here Hebe. First we get Pvt McHammy to join the army, then you and Benny can armwrestle for who takes his spot at The Cyclery. Might have to take a cut in pay but your levels of joy and happyness will increase ten-fold.

van den kombs said...

Don't get down on yourself for the career foes..40 or whatever age, we have to be ready to adjust when life or career is not working.
Focus on what you like doing and allow some ideas-opportunites to flow in for possible career options, believe money can follow.

check out: www.hayhouseradio.com

It's got some super "new-agey" shows but look at wayne dyer & michael neil archived show(podcasts). Some good topics.