Friday, April 18, 2008

Po tay toe, po tah toe, attack, accelerate...

It is all semantics.
Seems I touched a nerve. Sorry. No offense was meant nor was I trying to be an ass. I ALWAYS ride with an Ipod. Is it rude on group rides? Yes. If you are a regular reader you know the impact music has on my life. It is almost spiritual. Yes, I know that sounds gay. However, I NEED music when I ride.
I also ride with my cell 90% of the time. You never know when you may have an instance where you NEED to use it. I also text while I ride if I am not doing a hard effort. Yesterday was a very "different" day. A friend is moving today and we were texting about a lot of things. I knew I would not see or probably even speak with her today, so I was doing a lot texting.
I was texting during the 2:30 I was riding before the group ride. I was texting in the parking lot before the group ride. I am sure you saw it. Was it a dick move? Yes. Sorry.
As to the event in question. We were going up the little hill and, yes, I was texting. I was riding safe and out of the line. Whoever was leading was going harder than he could handle, as evidenced by the speed drop at the top of the hill. I did say, in a helpful way, keep your speed through the top. It is a fundamental climbing technique. He just stopped/died early. I kept rolling and did a steady pull. I was taking my turn, and yes texting. Then the Lombardi Sports jersey guy came by MUCH faster than a pull through. Either he attacked, while seated, you can do that or he accelerated harder than a normal pull. Enough so, that I even said "cheeky move." I have been racing for twenty plus years. I fully understand speed changes. It was definitely a faster acceleration. I got in line and just rode. Along came the rolling section that I referenced in the post prior. No need to rehash that.
My ride yesterday was to be 4 hours pretty easy with an effort here and there. I knew that rolling section of road so that was where I planned the effort. There are two rollers and a great chicane followed by another roller. It is one of my favorite sections of road around. I had 3:00 in my legs already at that point, in theory the group should have been much fresher. I even told Andy I was pulling off after that section. A fave song come on, which is good for me, especially when the Ipod is on shuffle. It is true serendipity. I did my effort. That is bike racing training. It is not going out on a group ride and riding for 2 hours at LT or greater with no change in pace. That is also why I train alone. I have things I need to work on, to be a better racer and those efforts can be misinterpreted on group rides.
For the Fat F****, that is how you referred to yourselves, not me saying those words (read prior posts comments), I am sorry if I rode like an ass or offended you. You guys were strong on the flats. I can not help if I was a bit faster uphill, or know how to change pace with sharp attacks. That is a you issue, not a me issue. Next time I see you guys, I will surely apologize in person for texting while I ride. I should not have done that. Trust me, after my friend's move today that probably will not happen as much. Yesterday was a texting anomaly due to certain circumstances. Things needed to be communicated and I wanted to "chat" with her.
Instead of being "cheeky" and saying "u da man" maybe you should ask me how i train to be able to accelerate like that?
Everyone knows who I am on this blog. Can be man enough to not sign a comment as anonymous? That is your perogative though. Maybe it makes you feel better about skewering a "skinny blogger"?
I race on weekends. I could give two shits what happens on Thursday.


Anonymous said...

Just an FYI to get started. I had nothing to do with the comment to your previous post. That said I read it and came to the same exact conclusion you did. You're an Ass.

I know you are not trying to be an ass..... you just are. Nothing you can do about it. It's just the way it is. It's the type of person you are, your attitude and it goes right along with "The Original Legend" (in your own mind) self imposed title on your blog.

You race. Great. You've had some success. Again great. And then it goes to your head and you become, well....YOU. A self proclaimed ass, dick, original legend, etc., etc.

Listening to the iPod and texting while riding in a group is a prime example of that. If you are going to subject a group of riders to that enormaous attitude, your self-absorbed riding style (aimed at what appears an effort to make yourself feel superior to others, in the guise of it's what I do, it's TRAINING), at least have the common sence not to go at it deaf and half blind by having a set of headphones stuck in your ears and a cell in your hand texting while you ride with them. What a total idiot !! If they never allowed you to ride with them again I cheer the decision. Better yet if they stuffed both of those gadgets up your (insert appropriate orifice here) I'd give them a standing ovation for the act.

I've seen you at races. I've seen you do well and walk around like you ARE "The Original Legend". What a joke.
I've seen you bomb, blow up, fall behind, fall apart, just give up cuz you don't have a chance to win, drop out, make excuses, equipment problems, whatever.
Whether you do well or fall apart, so what. What does it matter. Where is all this racing, training, taking you. Many just don't have what it takes to really do anything more than do well racing against the average joes that make up the majority of the racers at an given event.

I don't race, I wouldn't enjoy it. I don't have the time to train or have the natural ability it takes to race and do well at it. I like to ride, road and mountain, as well as split my time with other things I enjoy doing like kayaking and giveing back some time to the trails I ride by doing some trailwork from time to time. It's all good. I do it all for the fun and joy I get out of simply doing it.

If you really enjoy racing, that's one thing. Great! Enjoy! Have fun.
If you train and race to feel like you are someone, something special, that's quite another thing. It's just Sad.

Rick Brown

He to the B said...

Good reply. I commend you for expressing your opinion and signing your name. You unfortunately have missed the boat on things.
1) The Blog title is an inside joke. I HATE the name. To me it carries the same connotation as "The Original Knucklehead". You would not know that as you have never spoken with me.
2) There is a great difference in ACTING like an ass/dick, and being one. I ACTED like one that day. How many ass/dick's donate $6,000+ of their personal money to local causes from the races they promoted?
3) Ipod is what it is. Texting was being a dick I readily admit that.
4) I am probably one of the most humble people you will ever meet. There is no enormous attitude.
5)There is no superiority in riding with an Ipod. I LOVE music. Take the time and read this blog. You will see that. You will also get a better feel for me as a person.
6) I have NEVER made excuses at races. I may bomb sure, I am human. I have dropped out of 1 cross race in twenty years. I DNF'ed an MTB race last week, but I came back and got a bike and went back out to enjoy the trails. Point is, you are know trying to make yourself feel better by tearing me down. I do not quit races, nor do I make excuses. When I get beat, a better person beat me.
7) Racing and training is enjoyment. It has brought me great joy and great pain. It has cost me a lot in life. It is an activity that I love, no different than an average Joe who likes playing darts at a bar. I just chose a bike.
8) Your last paragraph is what I speak about. Enjoyment. I do other things as well. I give back and do trail work. I give free clinics to people. I promote races and direct two cyclocross series. I enjoy the lifestyle and the people. Racing is a small portion. Racing is about challenge, not results. If you get results, that is good to.
9) You are correct, in that if I have chosen to dedicate my life to trying to be superior to others, that is sad. It is a good thing that I do not race to feel that way.

steevo said...

Ill be a dick here:

Dude says:
"I don't have the time to train "

However he apparently has time to watch you race, make note of what he thinks are your shortcomings, reads your blog until he can find a time to attack you, and then does.

No time to train?

Stop being a hater dude.

Anonymous said...

Next time i hear about the Legend riding ON A TT bike, texting and Ipoding on a GROUP RIDE-i encourage everyone to punch him in the head.

"I love music"...are you a 13 year old girl or something?

Thanks,Brian Trdina

He to the B said...

Make sure you aim a little low. The temple area is unprotected plus you may be able to hit an earpiece. TT bike on a group ride is not on the extensions, but the hand-holds. I was in the extensions once, when I was second wheel behind a guy I knew and trusted. Never even used the extensions when I was pulling. Still feel free to punch. Some days I wish I had the life of a 13 year old girl. I heart Britney & Justin. oooooohhhhhh aaaahhhhh

Anonymous said...

I heart you Hebe!