Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Turn around and walk away

That has been my Modus Operandi in friendships and relationships over the years. I fall out of touch with people and walk away from friendships. It is not like I have some humongous overabundance of friends.
This leads to today. After many texts and plans, changed plans, etc... A & I end up riding together. After a nice ride we go to dinner. We talked about some things and come to a common ground agreement. Friends. In the past I would have done just as the title stated. I tend to operate like that. Friends, who needs them? Well, it turns out that I do. It turns out that I need this person, A, as a friend. This time will be different. As for this friendship, there is just that something special about her as a person. Add to the fact that I almost never stay in touch with female acquaintences, and you can see this is a change for me.
So now when the phone buzzes, 1 new text message, it will be a special surprise. Also one where I do not need to overthink things. It will be what it is, a text from a special friend. Deep down you always wish for outcomes that are most beneficial for yourself. However, with friends and people who mean a lot to you, I always wish for what is best for them. After that, things will work out the way they are supposed to.
To my friends, past, present, old, new and those yet to come. Thanks for being there.
I promise to do my best to not turn and walk away. There are only so many bridges on the way home. I would like to think I will stop burning them.

1 comment:

steevo said...

Can you post the power file from the ride? That is what blogs are for dude.