Thursday, March 20, 2008

A different perspective or four ways from Wednesday

I have never considered myself to be a company man. Yet, i still have this naive notion that I will work for Lilly until I can retire at 55. I met with three old work colleagues yesterday. We have all taken very different paths in our careers. It was an interesting perspective on loyalty, service, money, passion and drive.
J is retired from the Mothership after working thirty years. This man is a true pillar. His perspective was one of "now i can objectively see with my own two eyes."
C was with Lilly for three years and split to sell orthapedic surgical products.
JJ has been with Lilly for eight years and is taking a job in Indy in two weeks.
I have been with Lilly for eleven years and am still an empiral cycnic/skeptic.
J's ekynote pearl was this, The Colonel needs you, more than you will ever need the Colonel. I never knew that until I retired." He was amazed at the downfall of the industry and The Mothership in the last five years. It was great perspective and advice on loyalty, it is one-sided, and why do you get up every morning to do this job.
C split for the cash and conflict with an old manager. Interestingly enough, when exit interviewed the number one reason to leave a job is due to your direct report.
JJ is all about advancement right now. He sees the next two, three years of twelve hour days as a way to come back to PA as a manger and make mad cash. Yes, the managers do get paid well. The question I ask is this. Is it really worth two, three YEARS of your life for a POSSIBLE chance to be a manager? I just do not see the pay-off.
Which leads to me. I have steadfastly refused to go to Indy for an assignment. I have no desire for that type of lifestyle. I do not enjoy kissing asses. They stink. I do not enjoy being cooped up for twelve hours, just to say that I stayed at work longer than you. People in The Colonel's army have mistaken this for being apathetic to advancement. that is not it. I just take a firm stand on what is important to me.
The irony is that I still hold this notion of retiring from Lilly at 55. Can I keep this up for fifteen more years? There is no rational thought process that would lead me to think I could. Maybe if I start buying an additional two weeks vacation every year I could do it. So after this discussion I just had an intersting perspective as to who I am.
I wonder what JD & Mr. Bennett are doing right now?


BBP said...

They are stay hell raisin' 50's teachers at the Berm. I'll ask Buzzy this weekend.

Check out nip-bbp

Anonymous said...

Left Lilly 5 years ago after 10 years there. People always told me - "no one every does worse when they leave this place." Wish I'd have listened & done it sooner. It's all about what you want. If you're a successful person, you do well at whatever you do. You'll do well if you stay or if you go. Just do what you want - lifes too short. -AA